Lead generatie

The essential growth engine for both B2B and B2C

How do you attract new customers to your brand? Sales and marketing teams are increasingly working together to identify and attract the right prospects. By sharing content on your website and other channels that assists potential buyers throughout their buying process, you have the opportunity to engage with them early. This is what we refer to as lead generation—a strategy becoming increasingly critical for many brands.

Customers are conducting more of their preliminary research online, presenting a prime opportunity to make your brand a early contender on their shortlist. Ties

On this page, you’ll find an introduction to key topics in lead generation. You can also easily navigate to more detailed information on any topic of interest. If you’re ready to dive into lead generation or have a specific inquiry, it might be best to directly contact us.

Understanding lead generation: What is it?

A straightforward definition of lead generation goes like this:

Lead generation is the process of attracting and identifying potential customers (leads) who are interested in a company’s products or services. It involves collecting relevant contact details and creating meaningful interactions to increase the chances that these leads will convert into customers.

Starting with definitions and explanations is always beneficial: What exactly is lead generation and what does it entail? In our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), we explain this succinctly and directly. Our response also sets the stage for the other topics discussed on this page, giving you a comprehensive overview right away. Continue reading for more detailed information on a specific topic or aspect of lead generation.

Implementing lead generation

The buying process has changed dramatically across nearly all markets. A growing portion of the purchase journey now occurs online, and often a shortlist—or at least a longlist—is created without any interaction with a salesperson.
In the past, companies could make up for a lack of lead generation by leveraging a large sales force to actively engage the market. Today, this approach no longer suffices. You risk being overlooked or starting at a disadvantage compared to brands that made an impression during the research phase.

In short, brands must actively engage with lead generation companies. In our article ‘Implementing Lead generation’, we discuss the changing purchase process, initial approaches, and the role of conversions & CTAs.

evolution of the buying process

The evolution of the buying process and how the roles of marketing and sales are changing

Lead generation: Significant differences between B2B and B2C

The difference between B2C and B2B lead generation is vast, requiring completely different approaches. We outline this in our article ‘Why is Lead Generation in B2B Different from B2C?’ as follows:

In B2C, finding customers is like casting a wide net and hoping for a good catch. Missing some isn’t a problem, as there are plenty more in the sea. In B2B, it’s like fishing in a small pond with just a few fish. You have fewer chances; one mistake might scare off a crucial catch forever. B2B lead generation must align with the complex buying cycle, and building trust is central.

We extensively discuss the main differences in our article ‘Lead generation: 10 Differences Between B2C and B2B’:

  1. Complexity of decision-making
  2. Long sales cycles
  3. High value of deals
  4. Knowledge intensity
  5. The importance of relationships
  6. Personalization and segmentation
  7. The value of brand reputation
  8. The role of content
  9. Integration with sales
  10. The necessity of ROI tracking

Of course, some B2C brands would do well to follow the B2B approach. Practically speaking, the more complex the buying process, the more you should lean toward the B2B approach. The reverse is also true; some B2B companies achieve excellent results with a B2C lead generation approach.

B2B lead generation

What is the right approach to B2B lead generation? It’s a good question, and the answer varies by market and sometimes even by brand. Although the principles are the same, it’s essential to tailor your approach to your audience’s expectations and the market standard. What does your target audience’s buying process look like? What information and knowledge do they need at different stages, and where are the opportunities for your brand? With answers to these questions, you can start working on your approach.

Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities. B2B lead generation is highly technology-driven. New technologies, platforms, and tools can help you make a difference and bring your brand to the attention of the right audience. In ‘B2B Lead Generation: A Guide to Effective Customer Contact and Conversion’ we discuss 6 key trends and developments that contribute to lead generation results:

  1. Role of technology
  2. Automation
  3. Online marketing
  4. Data and analytics
  5. Personalization
  6. Future trends and technology

The article ends, of course, with a few practical tips to help you quickly make progress.

Lead generation strategy

Strategy and tactics, how will we achieve our goal and what do we need to do it? The goal is, of course, lead generation, and we’ve just discussed in detail that the approach depends on the type of brand (B2C or B2B) and your audience’s buying process. But once that’s clear, how do you proceed?

We explain this in ‘Lead Generation Strategy and Tactics for B2B Companies’, where we discuss the 3 main strategies—inbound, outbound, and account-based marketing—and then delve into 8 tactics you can use. We also help you choose, but the most important lesson is that you must determine from the results what works for your brand.

Lead generation success

The crucial question: When are we successful? It’s a question we dedicate a complete article to. It is a complex question, especially if you don’t have much experience with structured lead generation. Whether leads are coming in is simple, but are you maximizing your budget? Maybe it’s better to use other tactics.

In short, it’s important to understand key performance indicators (KPIs), use the right analytics tools, A/B test, and, of course, gather customer feedback. The latter is often overlooked. ‘How did you find us?’ is asked far too infrequently and is a missed opportunity to improve your lead generation.

We prefer to condense lead generation success into a clear dashboard that shows all KPIs and trends. This way, our clients can see at a glance whether we are doing well or if there is room for improvement. (Hint: there always is).

Outsourcing lead generation

You have been successful for years, so why suddenly outsource your lead generation? The reason is simple: your potential customers are increasingly conducting online research before contacting potential providers. Companies that can differentiate themselves in this early phase have a significant advantage. Providing the right information at the right time during the customer journey greatly increases the chance of being chosen for a conversation or making the shortlist.
But this isn’t your specialty. You know everything about your product or service and know your customers inside out. But optimizing lead generation is likely new territory.

And you are probably smart enough to figure it out yourself. But do you have the time and interest to put in the effort? Can your brand wait that long?

That’s why we wrote the article ‘7 Benefits of Outsourcing to a Lead Generation Agency’, so you can see the benefits of hiring a specialist. Like us, of course.

Getting started with lead generation

Okay, strategy is clear, tactics are straightforward, and you have a clear idea of when you are successful. And you can easily see this through a dashboard, for example. Now, there’s nothing left to do but get started. To help you get started, we wrote a series of articles, each on an important lead generation aspect.
We go through the topics one by one so you can see if you need to read the detailed article.

Website optimization for lead generation

The website almost always plays a central role in lead generation. It is the trunk of the tree where all your marketing leads back to. This means you need to know what you’re doing when it comes to your website. A good website results in a higher conversion rate (higher % of leads from your visitors) or attracts more visitors. Both result in one thing: more leads. And that’s what it’s all about.
In our detailed article, we discuss the following:

  • User-friendly design
  • SEO
  • Call to Actions (CTAs)
  • Landing pages
  • Mobile optimization

Benefits of visual content in lead generation

The eye wants something too. And that means the right visual content can give your lead generation a significant boost.
In our detailed article, we not only talk about all the benefits of visual content but also give you 8 practical tips for creating it. Handy, right?

colors lead generation

Color moves us all, so it’s important that visual content leaves the right impression. This helps with that

Content marketing in B2B lead generation

An important tactic and, in some cases, the foundation of the entire lead generation strategy is increasingly content marketing. Especially in B2B, companies produce and share valuable content that informs their customers and builds trust. And what is easier if customers understand and trust your brand? Exactly, they convert to leads.
In our article on content marketing in B2B lead generation, we explain why it is so important and give 3 concrete examples from practice to inspire you:

  1. Whitepapers and e-books
  2. Webinars
  3. Case studies

Social media and B2B lead generation

Everyone is on social media. Even the fifty-year-old who isn’t keen on it has a LinkedIn account. For many companies, social media has become their primary communication channel.
Social media are therefore indispensable in a modern lead generation strategy. It’s often a very cost-effective way to reach your target audience and is also 100% measurable. So you know what it delivers!

In our detailed article on social media and B2B lead generation, we focus on the following topics:

  1. Understanding the social media landscape
  2. Building brand awareness
  3. Targeting the right audience
  4. Effectiveness of a social media campaign
  5. Measuring success

Lead generation campaign examples and case studies

What does a lead generation campaign look like in practice? We are happy to tell you more through concrete examples and case studies. We share 3 examples of real B2B brands (our clients) in an article that explains the approach and structure of their campaigns. Guaranteed to inspire!

But some readers want to dive even deeper into the results. This is not always easy because often we cannot or do not want to share all data. Fortunately, there is one client who was open to it. We wrote a detailed article about their campaign with a limited budget, where we walk through a campaign from A to Z. From analysis and strategy to the actual campaign, the results, and the optimization during the campaign. Including all data! For this client, we even calculate the ROI of the campaign.

What more could you want?

More information

That’s a real question: What more do you want? Is there any information you are missing or do you have a question you want us to address? Let us know via email. We will definitely answer you and you will likely see the answer to your question in our FAQ or as an article on our website in the near future.