Choose powerfully for greater distinctiveness


Streamline your marketing and ensure that your brand stands head and shoulders above the competition.

Wat is jouw doel?

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Our methodology ensures clear decisions and concrete results.


No loose ends, we offer a fixed price for a clearly defined process.

Fixed price

Get straight to the point during 3 workshops with your core team

3 workshops

Our experts have been positioning brands in diverse markets and industries for over 10 years.

10+ years of experience

Why Positioning?

Positioning is much more practical than a contrived vision or mission statement; it’s a compelling, concise story that every colleague understands and can convey. The positioning is alive within the organization and is used in daily practice to make decisions in marketing and communication. This creates focus and ensures that your marketing resources/budget are better spent



Our Approach

Over the past 10+ years, we have continuously refined our approach. Prior to workshops, we conduct interviews with key stakeholders and meticulously prepare to maximize your time. During the workshops, we establish the strategic framework and then make the decisions that form the foundation of your brand. Our creativity and experience ensure a smooth process and a distinctive result


What do our clients think of us?

The experiences of our clients are, of course, the best proof. That’s why we’re happy to share testimonials and statements from actual clients to show you that we deliver on our promises. Are you curious about the project that led them to share such glowing feedback? We’d love to tell you more about it in a conversation.

Positioning at Merkelijkheid



Download the factsheet Positioning

Discover our approach to developing your unique positioning. Through concrete examples, we showcase our unique methodology, allowing you to envision what a collaboration with Merkelijkheid looks like.

    Typical Merkelijkheid

    We often work with our clients for years. Why? Because we achieve goals together. We briefly explain how we do that below, but we’d love to delve deeper into it in a personal conversation.


    We get to work and achieve goals and we’re not big fans of long meetings.


    We function as an extension of your marketing department, deploying the specialists you truly need.


    You work with dedicated specialists who know you and your company well. Soon enough, we become one team together.


    After a while, we know you inside and out. So, you’ll find yourself having to explain less and less about your product, service, or preferences.

    We’d like to get to know you better

    Because it’s all about people, after all. Let’s have a brief chat about what you need and what we offer. Completely informal. We’ll quickly figure out if there’s a connection. Do you have 30 minutes for me?

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