Online Marketing

What is content marketing? 5 reasons to get started right away!

What is content marketing? 5 reasons to get started right away!
Are you missing out on opportunities in Online Marketing? Content marketing has become an integral part of the digital landscape, yet not every organization is actively producing and distributing valuable content. Are you still uncertain about the value of content marketing for your organization? In this blog, we will explain what content marketing is and why it is indispensable for every organization in 2020. We will also provide you with 5 reasons to get started right away.

What is content marketing?

To explain why content marketing is truly indispensable in 2020, let’s start at the beginning. What exactly is content marketing?

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable and relevant content with the ultimate goal of attracting or retaining a specific target audience.

Content comes in many different shapes and forms. This blog is a form of content, and so is our e-book. But also consider videos, vlogs, podcasts, online quizzes and contests, reviews, whitepapers, press releases, and so on.

Why content marketing?

Bill Gates already said it in 1996: “Content is king.” He predicted that the ‘winners of the internet’ would use the medium to provide information and entertainment, just like with radio and television. In other words, the creation and distribution of content!

Fast forward almost 25 years, and we can conclude that Gates was right. Of course, there are many other ways to use the internet, but content is a crucial component of online success for any goal. Take, for example, Coolblue, Karwei, and Philips. Three completely different brands in different industries, but all three use content as a significant part of their marketing strategy.

Karwei biedt haar doelgroep al vroeg in de customer journey content. Hiermee werkt de groothandel aan klantbinding en koopbereidheid.

5 reasons to start with content marketing immediately

Why would you send out a press release, contribute to an industry magazine, or air a radio commercial but not set up a solid online content strategy? If you don’t have the answer to that question yet, read our 5 reasons to get started with content marketing right away:

1. Content marketing may seem challenging but is highly accessible.
2. Everyone is online, including your customers.
3. Content marketing is essential for your online visibility.
4. Foster customer loyalty during the customer journey.
5. Gain control over your image and authority.

Content marketing may seem challenging but is highly accessible

Bill Gates also pointed out one of the greatest advantages of the internet, which is accessibility. Anyone can create and distribute content online. The internet is the most accessible medium we know of with a massive reach and relatively low costs. Where else can you easily place and distribute your content?

In 2020, there is no organization without a website and at least one social media account. So, you can start with content marketing right away!

Everyone is online, including your customers

How many hours a day are you online? You’re likely in touch with friends, family, and colleagues via WhatsApp, check your email several times a day, and also follow the news and social media channels. And that doesn’t even include online purchases and research for purchases, both for personal and business needs. Most people spend at least 2 hours a day on their phones.

If you spend so much time online, why would you think your customers aren’t online too? Everyone is active on the internet, including your customers. So, it’s not only important to be visible but also an efficient way to connect with your target audience. Not every organization is meant to sell products or services online, and that’s not necessary. But we all need to be visible online.

Content marketing is essential for your online visibility

So, being visible is crucial, but how? This is all about organic traffic and your SEO optimization. Content marketing is the foundation of SEO.

In simple terms, you want to be found for the most relevant keywords related to your product or service. Google or another search engine needs to understand what you offer, and it learns that by indexing the content on your website. Every piece of content you write with the right keywords helps Google better understand your offering and contributes to your organic visibility.

So, show off your knowledge, highlight the benefits of your product or service, and answer potential questions! Regularly write a blog on relevant topics, present the advantages of your product in a short video, or share your industry expertise in a whitepaper.

Foster customer loyalty during the customer journey

There’s a good chance your customer is not ready to make a purchase as soon as they first encounter your brand. However, you want to establish a presence in potential customers’ minds as early as possible so they think of you when they’re ready to buy. Content marketing is an excellent way to provide valuable information to your customers throughout their entire journey.

Met content marketing creëer je contactmomenten met je doelgroep op verschillende momenten in de customer journey.

Having a clear content strategy is vital for effective content marketing. This strategy outlines your content’s purpose, target audience, measurement metrics, and production methods. It provides a structured approach to creating and distributing content that aligns with your brand identity and marketing goals.

For instance, if you’re producing and selling bicycle tires, your content strategy would define:

  1. Objectives: Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, educate potential customers about tire maintenance, or drive sales for specific tire models?
  2. Target Audience: Identify the different segments of your audience, such as casual riders, enthusiasts, or competitive cyclists, and tailor your content to their interests and needs.
  3. Content Types: Decide on the types of content you’ll create, such as blog posts, videos, maintenance guides, or product showcases.
  4. Frequency: Determine how often you’ll publish new content and establish a content calendar.
  5. Channels: Specify where you’ll distribute your content, such as your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, or industry forums.
  6. Keywords and SEO: Incorporate keyword research and SEO strategies to improve your content’s visibility in search engine results.
  7. Performance Metrics: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, engagement rates, conversion rates, and sales to measure the effectiveness of your content.

By following a well-defined content strategy, you can strategically create and share content that resonates with your target audience, strengthens your brand image, and ultimately drives desired actions, whether that’s increased engagement, leads, or sales.