Why is a positioning so important?

A distinctive positioning is the foundation of successful marketing Positioning is about the place your brand holds in the minds of your target audience compared to the competition. Additionally, positioning helps you make decisions in marketing and communication. Brands with unique positioning are more successful: they sell more, have higher margins, or can more easily attract good employees.

Importance of positioning

In our minds, we have given each brand a place within each category or market (in both B2B and B2C). Think, for example, of a car brand like BMW. How does BMW differ from Mercedes-Benz and Audi? Within a second, your feelings about these three brands emerge. But can you put this difference into words? You likely have a preference for one of these brands—so which one do you choose?

This is the power of distinctive positioning. Your target audience can effortlessly distinguish your brand from the competition and thus make the right choice. It’s almost subconscious, which makes clear positioning crucial for modern brands. Positioning helps your brand stand out while your audience is bombarded with marketing from all sides.

Positioning is not only important for your communication with customers but also internally. Positioning helps you make decisions. Should your brand attend a trade show or organize an online event? Do you address people as ‘you’ or more formally? Do you include people in your photos or not? When you answer these questions with your positioning in mind, you can make decisions more easily and ensure that your communications do not contradict each other. Everything you do conveys the same message: the positioning.