A simple answer would be nice and efficient but doesn’t cover the full scope because the costs of LinkedIn advertising vary greatly depending on the campaign objective. We’ll give a slightly more detailed answer and break it down by campaign objective:
If you want visibility and brand awareness, but a click or further action isn’t necessarily required, you’d likely opt for a brand awareness campaign. LinkedIn’s algorithm focuses on showing your campaign as much as possible, and with the right approach, you achieve the widest possible reach.
On average, for a campaign budget of €100, we achieve about 6,662 views among approximately 2,750 LinkedIn members. That’s an average of 2.4 views per LinkedIn account.
Is visibility, specifically views of your video, the goal of your LinkedIn campaign? Then you choose the campaign objective of video views, where the algorithm looks for people within your target audience inclined to watch the video.
On average, for a campaign budget of €100, we achieve about 6,125 views in video campaigns.
Is your focus on driving traffic to your website? Then you use the campaign objective of website traffic, focusing on clicks. While we focus less on the number of views or reach for comparison, it’s still useful to know this.
On average, for a campaign budget of €100, we achieve 3,846 views and 22 clicks.
Perhaps the ultimate LinkedIn campaign objective: lead generation. In our experience, this works excellently for companies with a B2B audience. When you choose this campaign objective, you offer your audience something in exchange for personal details, such as a whitepaper, factsheet, or e-book.
On average, we generate 2.6 leads for a campaign budget of €100.
As you can see, the costs vary greatly depending on the campaign objective. Additionally, we observe strong differences in audiences, both geographically and in personal characteristics, and content forms. In our opinion, advertising on LinkedIn is worth it for B2B audiences, and we are using it more and more!
Costs are, of course, an important consideration when deciding to deploy LinkedIn campaigns. Besides the costs, think about the returns, how specifically you can tailor your audience, and whether you can reach this specific audience in another way at lower costs. If you’re curious about our experiences with LinkedIn advertising, we’d love to talk to you!
We’ll not only discuss costs and returns but especially our best practices in audience targeting, campaign building, and creating compelling ads. Of course, when managing and optimizing a LinkedIn campaign, we look far beyond just the costs, so we’re also happy to share insights about the KPIs of different campaign objectives.