What are longtail keywords?

Longtail keywords are longer search phrases made up of multiple words. These keywords typically have a lower search volume but a very clear search intent.

What Are Longtail Keywords?

Longtail keywords are specific phrases that people type into search engines when they are looking for something particular. Because they are more detailed, they usually attract fewer searches, but the people who use them are more likely to find exactly what they are looking for. This makes longtail keywords very valuable for businesses.

An Example of Longtail Keywords

Let’s explain with an example. Imagine you sell chocolate cookies with nuts and real chocolate that are sustainably produced. “Chocolate cookies” is a keyword you want to be found for, but it is a very general term. Is the person searching for chocolate cookies to buy them or to find a recipe to bake them?

Longtail keywords for your cookies could be:

  • “buy chocolate cookies with nuts”
  • “sustainable chocolate cookies”
  • “price of chocolate cookies with nuts and chocolate”

With these longtail keywords, you will generate less traffic, but the intent of these visitors is much more aligned with your product, making them far more valuable.

Why Longtail Keywords Matter

When someone searches using a longtail keyword, they often know exactly what they want. For instance, a person searching for “buy chocolate cookies with nuts” is likely ready to make a purchase, whereas someone searching for “chocolate cookies” might be looking for recipes or nutritional information. This means that traffic from longtail keywords is more likely to convert into actual sales.

How to Use Longtail Keywords

  1. Content Creation: Create content that specifically targets these detailed search terms. This can include blog posts, product descriptions, and FAQs.
  2. SEO Optimization: Make sure your website is optimized for these keywords. This includes using them in titles, headings, and throughout your content.
  3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Use longtail keywords in your PPC campaigns to attract more targeted traffic and get a better return on investment.

The Bottom Line

While longtail keywords might attract less traffic overall, the traffic they do attract is more valuable because the search intent is clear. By focusing on these specific phrases, you can better meet the needs of your potential customers and improve your chances of making sales