Brand archetype

Brand Archetype Caregiver: caring friend to all

Brand Archetype Caregiver: caring friend to all
and the Ally are very close to each other. As an ally or ‘the common man’, this brand archetype also has a desire for a safe existence. The difference is that the Ally is mainly concerned with ‘belonging’ and therefore seeks a sense of belonging to a group. He is less concerned with the people around him and caring for others, and more with finding a group that he fits into.

The Innocent often enjoys the same associations and can resemble a Caregiver in her expressions. But when we look at the core of this brand archetype, we see a very different motivation. The Innocent is looking for a harmonious life, an ideal world. Her motives are determined by an inner compass of norms and values, whereas the Caregiver is guided by influences from her target audience.

The Lover is also known as a reliable partner who reduces risks and fears. She does this by searching for the beautiful things, deep relationships, and the positive. The Lover does not necessarily care for others but is instead looking for a long-lasting, loyal relationship with customers in which they pursue pleasure, comfort, and quality together.

Want to know more about brand archetypes or positioning? Read on our page about brand archetypes, where you can learn everything about the various brand archetypes.

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